
Microsoft 365 Vs Dynamics 365: The Key Differences

Dynamics 365 and Microsoft 365 are used by businesses across the world. Often referred to as simply ‘D365’ and ‘O365’, the two are part of the Microsoft 365 platform, consisting of a common data model. This enables them to communicate with each other when needed.

You may use Dynamics or Microsoft 365 on a daily basis, but how much do you know about the platforms you’re using? What are the differences between the two different forms of software? Can they be integrated?

That’s what we’re going to explore in this blog post. Read on to learn more about Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Office 365 - and the key differences between the two. We’ll also explore the benefits of integrating Dynamics with Office.


M365 Explained

Microsoft 365, simply referred to as M365, is a suite of software applications that can be used by businesses to streamline their operations. It’s essentially an umbrella offering a range of online software solutions.

M365 launched in 2017, and offers not only Office 365, but also OneDrive cloud storage, Family Safety (including apps for non-Microsoft devices), and Outlook for communication. It also includes Teams, which can benefit businesses that offer hybrid working, working from home, as well as in-office working.

Because Microsoft 365 offers more than just Microsoft Office, over a quarter of all licence purchases for Office 365 are bought through M365/ Microsoft 365.

The business tools offered by M365 can benefit all kinds of industries - for example, software for marketing, media, customer service, finance, and many more.

There are different licences for O365 - allowing you to choose a software licence that suits your needs. You may choose to have everything, or you may choose to only have access to certain apps on a certain device.


What is Microsoft Dynamics 365?

Microsoft Dynamics is a Microsoft software solution that offers a range of Business Applications such as CRM (customer relationship management), ERP (enterprise resource planning), Customer Service, supply chain management, and many more.

With Dynamics, you can find a range of applications that can help you manage your business, whether you’re a small start-up or you’re a multinational corporation.

Dynamics 365 comes in two key versions - Professional and Enterprise. Depending on your choice, you can have access to a range of helpful tools and applications that can help with various aspects of your business - for example, marketing, sales, customer insight data, customer engagement, and many more.

Ultimately, Microsoft Dynamics 365 can help you to build customer relations and give you an insight into the journey of your customer. Customer data is key to have in your arsenal, and Dynamics enables you to acquire and understand customer data with ease.

It is a multi-language ERP software that can be used across the globe. Although smaller businesses can benefit from Dynamics, it’s designed for mid-size and larger organisations. Fully customisable and easy to use, Dynamics is one of the best software solutions out there.

Coming as a single package, you can integrate Dynamics with other Microsoft 365 apps and products - see ‘Integrating Dynamics with Office’ for more information.


What is Microsoft Office 365?

Microsoft Office 365 is now integrated with Microsoft 365 - offering a wide range of convenient web, mobile and desktop apps for programs such as Outlook, Publisher, Skype, PowerPoint, OneNote, Exchange Online, Word, and many more.


What About Azure?

Microsoft Azure is a popular cloud computing service, released by Microsoft in 2008. Some ways that Azure can benefit your business include mobile app development, backup and recovery, tool integration, and many more.

With Azure, you can find Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, and much more. Both Azure and O365 (Office 365) can integrate well together, just like Office and Dynamics.


Dynamics vs Office: The Key Differences

Although some people find Dynamics and Office 365 relatively similar, they both come with their own pros and cons.

As previously established, Dynamics 365 offers cloud-based software solutions that you can utilise for CRM and ERP. You can access Dynamics 365 technology in a single package - whereas with Office 365, you can purchase a subscription that offers access to a range of Office applications (e.g Excel, Outlook, Word etc).

Microsoft Office 365 is an online on-premises and cloud-based productivity suite available on subscription. Office 365 ultimately promotes business productivity and efficiency - you can use Office to streamline your business operations, ultimately boosting productivity across the board.


Integrating Dynamics with Office

For ultimate productivity, you may wish to integrate both Dynamics and Office. Dynamics 365 and Office 365 can be integrated across the board, benefiting your business in numerous ways for growth enablement.

A key advantage of Dynamics and Office integration is that you can effectively manage customer data, and boost customer communications and ultimately customer satisfaction using cloud computing services. Ultimately, you can make the most of a better customer relationship management experience with Dynamics and Office.

With Dynamics and Office Integration, you can easily track your emails and sales information with a single click, and it’ll be much easier to manage databases. Whether it be regarding data and analytics, or documents and templates, Dynamics and Office have the utmost strength when working together.

It can benefit your workforce in numerous ways, providing better communication and collaboration - especially with hybrid working environments.

If you have any questions about Dynamics, Office, Azure or .NET, contact our team of software development experts at Blacklight Software. We can develop the bespoke software your business needs to thrive - no project is too big or too small for our expert team.

Speak to us today to provide us with the details, and we can get working on your software solution as soon as possible.

We’ve conducted software development for clients in a range of industries, from media and marketing to aerospace and social housing. We are experts when it comes to software development - if you don’t believe us, check our numerous 5* reviews.

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